Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Let it Snow!!!

Here's my card for this monday's mojo monday sketch. This was a fun experiment. I could have done the snowman better, but I gave up and settled. Hope you like it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Big Boys

The boys are getting so big and growing up too too fast.
Isn't this sweet? Jeremy just loves this book with all the rhyming. He quotes from it all the time. His favorite line is "I can't blab such blibber blubber, my toungue isn't made of rubber" Dad's the pro with Dr. Suess, though, mommy just can't handle the tounge twisters. I'm glad Christopher is enjoying reading time too.

Do you see the family resemblence?

Here, Christopher and Gwen are getting to know each other better. She just loves climbing into his carseat with him. I wonder what he's thinking, though. Hmmm.

Jeremy was sent home with an outline of a turkey to dress up and bring back. He decided to dress him up as Santa. So, I started helping make the suit and before I knew it Santa Turkey had a sleigh, with runners and bells, and nine reindeer he cut out himself, including Rudolph. He had lots of fun.

We cut hair tonight and Jeremy informed me he wanted a mohawk. Ooookaaay. So, I tried my best, never done that before. Here's the result. Hope he likes it. If not, it'll all come off, buzzed.

MoJo Monday Inspiration

So, I'm really in the mood to make cards lately. But, I have a hard time putting things together in my brain to see the end result. But, I found this blog that gives you a sketch and you add your own flair. It's just what I needed. Anyways, so here's my first creation using their Week 114 sketch.
I need to get better at taking pictures. But, I'm having fun.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jeremy's Birthday

Okay, so this was probably my favorite of his parties. Jeremy turned six on the 23rd. He wanted a Scooby Doo Spooky party. We had a mystery to solve, with clues and activities. There were bats to knock down, spiders and ghosts to make, a mummy to wrap up (Wes) and of course the haunted graveyard cake to eat. We had a blast. I made the cake (I've never made it before) and that was super fun. But, I have to say, I'm a little exhausted from it all!


This year was a busy Halloween. It was on Saturday, but it seemed like it was on Friday as well. Jeremy's first costume parade at school was Friday afternoon. He was so excited, then lost two pieces to his costume before it was over. Thank goodness we found both.

Then, that night some neighbors in the ward had a chilli cook-off party. We dressed up, ate too much chilli (heartburn for me, ouch), and had a lot of fun. These were our costumes.

Saturday, we actually had Thanksgiving dinner at Cami and Roland's to celebrate the two times Roland will miss in the next year. But, we hurried home to put costumes back on and trick or treat. We went out for a while, until we got cold and tired. It had been a long day. Our costumes changed a little, here we were.

All in all it was a fun weekend.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Here are a few updates on Christopher's growth. He now weighs almost 15 lbs and is 24 in. long. He's so strong, holding himself so straight. He also smiles and laughs like babies do. At dinner, he's in his chair on the table with us, and he thinks we're all their for him. He talks to us and smiles. Now, he's even noticing the movement of us putting food in our mouths. If he's not watching us, then he's very intent on lifting his foot up and staring at it like "Hey I've got something I can control, look at it, but no mommy don't tickle it." He He He, his toes are very ticklish. One of the best things is He's Sleeping Through The Night!!!!! Yeah. A good ten or eleven hour stretch usually. I know he's so little to be doing this, but I'm not complaining, and I'm not worried about him getting enough to eat. He's my chunky monkey.
This was Jeremy's church outfit that he wore til he was about 5 month old. Christopher is almost too big for it now.

He really is a happy baby.

Jeremy stills loves him too.

Jeremy's Tooth

Jeremy lost his first tooth the other day. He was very worried that he had done something wrong when he found it loose. I reassured him that this is what was supposed to happen. He wiggled is around for a few days and then we coaxed it out! He was excited then.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Jeremy's a Kindergartener now. He thinks he's all grown up. I thought I would be more sad over his starting school. But, no, I was fine, excited even. A few hours of peace and quiet, well and Christopher.

This is his friend, Nephi, who is also in his class.

He still has plenty of time for moments like this . . .

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Page Pet

pYzam Page Pets
FreeFlashToys Page Pets

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chubby Boy!!

We went to the doctor's yesterday for Christopher's two-week check up (although he's actually already 3 weeks old). At one week, he weighed in at 9 lbs and was 21 in. Two weeks later, yesterday, he weighs a whoppin' 11 lbs and is 23 in. Can you believe it? He's growing so fast. It's so different for me to have this round, plump baby. He's so adorable and we love him so much. What do you think?

Christopher's first real bath. He did pretty good, no screaming.

He likes his binkies, for the most part.

This is how he sleeps. One arm up by his head, mouth open, preferably on someone's chest.

Grandpa Hall came to visit and got all the attention!!!!

Jeremy is on a soccer team now. They are the Blue Knights. He is having lots of fun learning and playing. This was his first game. Go Team!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

So Happy!!!

Those last pictures were a little sad having to see him hooked up to so many tubes and such. Here are some more happy ones once we got him home.

Monday, July 27, 2009

He was born 7/22/09 at 10:19 pm
Weighing 8 lbs 12 oz
20 inches long

He's Here!!!

Our little guy is here!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New News!!

My sister is in town for a vacation right now. Saturday, her second girl, Sammy, was baptized here. It was so weird for me to see her this grown up. When Cami had her, I was living with her because her husband was deployed. Now, to see her this old, it's amazing. Later that day, we also went to the Oquirrh Temple Open House. I really have to stop taking for granted that I live so close to so many temples. Her kids were so excited to see everything, and it hit me that they don't get this opportunity. It was beautiful, but had a lot of stairs!!!

So, today I have 7 weeks left. I'm getting so anxious, but excited too. I'm so busy trying to get the Scouts' summer planned with camp and all before I have the baby. But, it's so hard because I keep losing leaders. The Bears leaders moved so suddenly and now my Wolf leader just got called as Executive Secretary. We got a new Bishopric yesterday. Right now, it looks like Wes is going to have to take the brunt of everything by himself. I don't know. It'll all work out, I'm sure.

My doctor just got in 3-D imaging in their office, so he said I could have another ultrasound. It was so cool, I'v never done the 3-D before. Doesn't it look so amazing? This is our adorable Christopher, waving and taking a snooze.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


He's growing up! My little guy is getting so big. Jeremy starts school this Fall, right after the baby is born. It's so hard to believe he's growing up so fast. Every day he asks me how the baby is and what the baby wants now. He'll be a great big brother. We got some pictures taken, a little late for his birthday. Here he is, in all his personalities.